Полезная информация
Содействуем повышению роли женщины в обществе,
раскрывая ее личностный потенциал,
профессионально помогая в реализации
гражданских и социальных прав

If your rights have been infringed, we will help you.

THE HELP which is provided to human trafficking victims (sexual, labor and other abuse) includes:

  • Meeting victims on their arrival to motherland (at the airport, at the station etc).
  • Assistance in repatriation.
  • Assistance in organizing confidential medical testing and treatment.
  • Supporting the family (philological and humanitarian assistance).
  • Searching and providing temporary shelter.
  • Assistance in returning home (keeping in touch with relatives, buying of tickets).
  • Assistance in employment and job retraining ( opportunity of doing courses and getting retraining).
  • Consultations by a psychologist and a lawyer.
  • Consultations on trials, procedure of filling of a complaint to law-enforcement authorities, litigation support of victims etc.( creating special conditions in pre-trial procedure, providing safety, attendance of parents, social workers, philologists for underage).
  • Work with the family of the victim.

Note: for providing help to under aged, permission of parents, in loco parents or children’s services is obligatory.

Rehabilitation and reintegration aid has been provided to victims since 2003. “Business Women Club” workers have provided such a help to 273 victims since then.

Principles of providing of aid to human trafficking victims:

  • Confidentiality and freedom of choice, serving interests of victims and providing them safety.
  • Working out a unique plan of help to every human trafficking victim.
  • Providing victims with all information about possible variants of getting help.
  • Information dissemination about victims only if they agree to.
  • Providing victims all the information about opportunities of legal defense during undertaking of investigative procedures and judicial process, as well as information about civil actions for physical and moral damages.

Reintegration aid package is formed to every human trafficking victim individually, on the basis of:

  • Abuse form.
  • Abuse duration.
  • Severity of outcomes ensued.
  • Psychological state and psychological health of a victim.
  • Social state.
  • Age.
  • Availability of support at social establishment.

“Business Women Club” specialists working with human trafficking victims completed training in Russia, Moldova, Poland, and Turkey. They have participated in 15 training and seminars in Belarus on providing of reintegration aid. Specialists of “Business Women Club” have been working with human trafficking victims for more than 10 years.

Reintegration aid to human trafficking victims is provided anonymously, confidentially and for free.

Contact us:
8-801-201-5555 (free calls from corded telephones, A1, MTS)
+375 0162 218888 ( for calls from abroad)

Working hours from 8-00 till 20-00 daily


Legal address: Belarus, 224030, Brest,
ul. Dzerzhinskogo 14, office 6
Fax: +375 162 218 888
Tel.: + 375 297 203 303
E-mail: bpwbrest@mail.ru
skype: bpwbrest
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpwbrest/


УВД Брестского Облисполкома ИП «Велком» СООО «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Амбасада Злучаных Штатаў Амерыкі International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Sida Глобальный фонд для борьбы со СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией

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