Полезная информация
Содействуем повышению роли женщины в обществе,
раскрывая ее личностный потенциал,
профессионально помогая в реализации
гражданских и социальных прав

Hot line on safe leaving and staying abroad

Information provided by hotline:

  • Employment and legal migration ( legal work opportunities and risks of illegal work, peculiarities of employment in different countries, rules of signing labor contracts).
  • Education abroad.
  • Meeting and conclusion of marriage with foreign people ( rights of Belarus citizens and rights of children in foreign marriage).
  • Useful addresses and phone numbers abroad.
  • Common rules for safe leaving and staying abroad.
  • Assistance in detection and repatriation of lost people.
  • Initial identifying of human trafficking victims and directing them to other organizations, which can provide reintegration aid to them.

Information is provided anonymously, confidentially and for free.

Contact us:

8-801-201-5555 (free calls from corded telephones, A1, MTS)

113 (calls from corded telephones), the line is managed by “Business Women Club” together with “La Strada” Program International Public Organization “Gender Perspective”

+375162218888, for calls from abroad.

Working hours: from 8-00 till 20-00 daily


Legal address: Belarus, 224030, Brest,
ul. Dzerzhinskogo 14, office 6
Fax: +375 162 218 888
Tel.: + 375 297 203 303
E-mail: bpwbrest@mail.ru
skype: bpwbrest
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpwbrest/


УВД Брестского Облисполкома ИП «Велком» СООО «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Амбасада Злучаных Штатаў Амерыкі International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Sida Глобальный фонд для борьбы со СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией

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Посольства США в Республике Беларусь