Полезная информация
Содействуем повышению роли женщины в обществе,
раскрывая ее личностный потенциал,
профессионально помогая в реализации
гражданских и социальных прав

Pinsk city non-governmental association “Business Women Club “South-West”

Pinsk city non-governmental association “Business Women Club “South-West” was registered by the law department of Brest Regional Executive Committee on 24th, November 2004 ( license № 01—162). The club unites 17 permanent members representing community-minded part of the society.

Corporate objectives: consolidating of professional women of various spheres of activity on the basis of common interests. The consolidation is aimed at joint successful realization of civil, economic, social and cultural human rights in accordance with governmental politics.

“Business Women Club” South – West” essential tasks:

  • Rendering of informational, juridical and psychological assistance to women when they solve various life problems ( family problems, organizing of daily life, healthcare, education, career).
  • Providing conditions for personal realization of women in social life.
  • Assistance to governmental authorities in implementation of governmental programs on bringing up and career guidance of youth; on family supporting; on healthcare and mental healthcare; on strengthening of public morals.

Corporative objectives and tasks defined by the Rules of “Business Women Club “South-West” are implemented in various branches of activity, among those counter-trafficking in persons by means of holding preventive actions:

  • Conducting of seminars, meetings, round tables, with representatives of governmental authorities, governmental and law-enforcement organizations of Pinsk, Ivanovo District, Luninets District, Pinsk and Stolin District on the problem of youth employment and implementation of integrated measures on counter-trafficking in persons and prostitution extension.
  • Distribution of informational materials in local mass media on human trafficking issue and preventive measures by “South-West”.
  • Holding of lectures, talks, trainings and other actions in youth audiences (education establishments, employment centers, hostels, village discos, and city festivals places). The main topic is human trafficking issue and safe leaving abroad.
  • Working with risk groups; conducting of economic trainings on strengthening of economic opportunities; teaching skills on one’s efficient presentation at labor market; safe employment and practicing of efficient presentation and communication skills during trainings in governmental and private organizations.
  • Conducting of master-classes for social teachers and psychologists of Pinsk schools and Pinsk District schools.
  • Reintegration help to human trafficking victims ( juridical assistance, medical and psychological help, social support; assistance in searching of accommodation, professional education and employment).
  • Involving of human trafficking victims in volunteerism.

Target audience: schoolchildren, students and unemployed.

Location of activity: Pinsk, Ivanovo District, Luninets District, Pinsk District, Stolyn District.

Address: Office 7; 34, Cherniahovskogo street,Pinsk, Brest Area, Republic of Belarus, 225710
Telephone number: +375 (165) 379 374; +375 (29) 3109882
E-mail: KBW-Pinsk@yandex.ru

Chairwoman: Valentina Lukashevich


Legal address: Belarus, 224030, Brest,
ul. Dzerzhinskogo 14, office 6
Fax: +375 162 218 888
Tel.: + 375 297 203 303
E-mail: bpwbrest@mail.ru
skype: bpwbrest
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpwbrest/


УВД Брестского Облисполкома ИП «Велком» СООО «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Амбасада Злучаных Штатаў Амерыкі International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Sida Глобальный фонд для борьбы со СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией

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