Полезная информация
Содействуем повышению роли женщины в обществе,
раскрывая ее личностный потенциал,
профессионально помогая в реализации
гражданских и социальных прав

Gender equity promotion

Gender equity implicates achieving of rights equity between men and women. Gender equity is related to human rights, especially women’s rights as well as economic development. Sustained development of the modern society is not possible without achieving of gender equity. Apart from showing level of civilization of any society, gender equity is a level marker of development of democratization.

Republic of Belarus signed and ratified a number of core documents presented by United Nations Organization aimed at women’s interests’ defense and achieving of gender equity. Belarus has assumed obligations on the international level on observing Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (Beijing, 1995). Belarus has also signed Additional Protocol to this Convention. Apart from this Declaration of 4th World Conference of Women, Millennium Declaration and other UN documents were signed. International obligations suggest that the country must define gender equity to be one of its priorities and must form national gender politics.

National plan of actions on providing of gender equity for 2011-2015 has been worked out in our country. It was approved by Resolution №1101 of the Council of Ministers of 16, August 2011.

The target of the national plan is to coordinate actions of bodies of state administration, local executive bodies and regulatory agencies, non-governmental organizations. The coordinated actions must be aimed to prevention of discrimination on the basis of sex and to arrangement of conditions which provide complete fulfillment of personal skills and talents both of men and women in all spheres of life activities.

There are some tasks of the documents which include contribution in achievement of parity representation of men and women on all levels of management; introduction of gender knowledge in the educational system; forming of necessity of social equity of men and women in all spheres of social life in social consciousness. It is also stated that it is essential to preserve and strengthen reproductive health of men, women and teenagers for providing normal reproduction of the population and rising of living standards. Special attention is drawn to the strengthening of the institution of the family and marital relations, propaganda of family and marriage value, achieving of gender equinity in family relations, among which involving men in doing household duties and bringing-up children. It is also important to assist achieving of gender equity in economic sphere, further development of women’s entrepreneurship, and competitive recovery on labor market. It is emphasized the relevance of transforming of social consciousness, extirpation of gender stereotypes related to the idea of predominance of one sex above the other.

Non-governmental organization “Business Women Club” considers the gender aspect in its activity when writing projects and planning the work. What is the reason for that? We concern that gender discrimination does not exist in the society and gender equity is achieved. Gender equity is a basic requirement for democratic development of the society and a turning point of developing of the society to the upper quality level.

We are also involved in gender education and hold trainings, informative meetings and events on gender equity promotion and gender culture forming in higher educational establishments, schools and colleges.


Legal address: Belarus, 224030, Brest,
ul. Dzerzhinskogo 14, office 6
Fax: +375 162 218 888
Tel.: + 375 297 203 303
E-mail: bpwbrest@mail.ru
skype: bpwbrest
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpwbrest/


УВД Брестского Облисполкома ИП «Велком» СООО «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Амбасада Злучаных Штатаў Амерыкі International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Sida Глобальный фонд для борьбы со СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией

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