Полезная информация
Содействуем повышению роли женщины в обществе,
раскрывая ее личностный потенциал,
профессионально помогая в реализации
гражданских и социальных прав

Domestic Violence prevention

Domestic violence is a mixed type of violence, which is concidered to be repeated and constantly increasing cycle of physical, verbal, emotional, spiritual and economic humiliation, stalking with the purpose of controlling a victim. Therefore, domestic violence means not only assaults and sexual abuse as most people might understand. There are latent forms of domestic violence: regular insults, derogation and indignity, involuntary isolation from external world (from work, studying interdiction, interdiction to meet friends or even relatives). Domestic violence is not occasional phenomena; it is not a single display of human harassment and aggression. It is a problem of modern society which is not common to be spoken about.

“Business Women Club” specialists are working within the framework of the project “Developing of national opportunities on domestic violence prevention in the Republic of Belarus”

Providing help for domestic violence victims and crime prevention is one of the activity areas of non-governmental organization “Business Women Club”.

We are working on observing women’s rights and changing of social status of domestic violence victims. We are taking measures on providing women with physical and psychological safety and are rendering assistance in resolution of mental state of a person.

Specialists of “Business Women Club” are working on domestic violence prevention and mitigating effect of this phenomenon.

Free and anonymous help for domestic violence victims:

Social work specialist: +375 29 2219350

Physiologist: +375 29 7959727

Lawyer: +375 29 7234037


Legal address: Belarus, 224030, Brest,
ul. Dzerzhinskogo 14, office 6
Fax: +375 162 218 888
Tel.: + 375 297 203 303
E-mail: bpwbrest@mail.ru
skype: bpwbrest
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bpwbrest/


УВД Брестского Облисполкома ИП «Велком» СООО «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Амбасада Злучаных Штатаў Амерыкі International Organization for Migration ( IOM ) Sida Глобальный фонд для борьбы со СПИДом, туберкулезом и малярией

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